Wednesday, August 19, 2009


lets talk about our beautiful daughter:) She is four and a half. She wants to marry Brickman in the Salt Lake Temple(she thinks Sleeping Beauty got married in the Salt Lake Temple:) and have Lincoln for her baby!
She likes to talk A LOT! She can talk for hours and hours with out me asking any questions. She asks a question , then answer her own question. I pretty much don't need to do any work for chatting with her:) And she's learning the violin. She really, really enjoy playing the violin! She is a hard little worker, she pratice six days a week and 45minutes a day. You might think that is because of her mommy makes her do it! But, no. We usually get through the whole 45 minutes pratice without any tears or fights which I am just so grateful for:)

And she enjoys home schooling just as much as her violin! We have lesson time 5 days a week, three hours a day. She amazes me every day for how fast she learns. She reads, count up to a 100(English and Chinese), she is working on some simple addition and subtraction between 1 and 10, she knows George Washington was the first president of the USA and so on..... Let's just say that she knows more than I do ;>

Here's how she lets me know that she knows every thing:

Me:" Who is the first president of the United States?"

Noel:" George washington!" Then she pause it for a little bit and said:" He didn't want to be a president, but every body voted for him! So he had give up hunting fox with his brother!"

Me:" What is a presdent and what does he need to do as a president?"

Noel:" President is the Daddy of the United States! So he needs to be nice to us!" Another pause then she asked:" Mommy, may I put Isabella to bed? I will be right back,OK?"

Me:" Who is Isabella?"

Noel(using her extra sweet voice):" My imaginery friend, nobody can see her except for me! I will tell you more about George later,Ok? Mommy!" And there she goes to be with her "friend" (She got the idea from her favorite cartoon:)

This is our four-year-old sweet and interesting daughter! I hope you enjoy her as much as I do!


Paradise Found said...

What a bright and beautiful daughter you've been blessed with. I love to hear about what she's doing and learning. Thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

oh my noel!! i cannot wait to see her over christmas break!!!!