Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentine's day special by my lovely husband!

Tommy has been always good at surprise me with diffrent ideas on diffrent occations and special days. On valentine's day this year is even more creative. He made the kids went to bed a little earlier than usuasl. We had wonderful and quiet dinneron the table just us with lights off and candles and flowers on the table. And our lovely dinner(which was provided and made by Tommy) was delicious entre from Lean crucine:), homemade ice-cream from haagen-daus, and "sparkling cider made from all natual apples" for beverage. It was a lovely dinner and he even pulled out the nice glasses which are from our wedding to reminde me he loves me a lot more than four and a half years ago. Then we fullfilled our night with a nice romantic movie. It was lovely and sweet. I love being married with a man I love!

1 comment:

Paradise Found said...

How very romantic! Dinner by candlelight without the kiddies :) Tommy is very lucky to have you, so it's good to hear he's treating you right.