Monday, March 1, 2010

Noel's Violin Grduation

Noel just experienced the first graduation of her life last Saturday! It was nice to see our little girl all grown up(she is growing up too fast) and performing on a stage:) She played it beautifully and flawless, we are so proud of her! And the most important thing is she LOVES it!

And Tommy and I were fully occupied by our two active boys who had trouble sitting quietly through the whole an hour and a half show:) Brickman kept asking me:"Where is Noel?" and "When can I play the cello on stage?" And Lincoln really had trouble sitting on a flapping chair with funny sound when he moves;) But he was entertained by the chair and having so much fun annoying every body around us! So now the whole Utah county knows that they need to stay away from the Jones family!

And the STRANGEST thing is I still love them;)